Reports on Grants
It is a condition of any grant that descriptive and financial reports be sent to the Trustees at the end of the year for which the grant was made. Reports should be received by the Clerk, , by 15 February for grants made the previous March or by 15 September for grants made the previous October.
If at all possible, the report and any supporting material must be emailed as word-processed documents. This enables material to be circulated to the Trustees, who do like to hear how the projects they have supported are faring. If supporting invoices and photographs etc. are in hard copy or cannot be compressed they may be posted to the Clerk.
A suggested format is provided below as a downloadable form. If not using this exact format, please make sure that all the points listed in it are covered
If you are unable to reply electronically, please contact the Clerk by post for advice – The Clerk of the Red Hill Trustees, 3 Thurnham Oast, Aldington Lane, Thurnham, Kent ME14 3LL.